RFLink: Development


If you have any questions, comments, usage reports, bug reports etc.
or when you have a device that is not yet supported and would like to see it added,
then send an e-mail to frankzirrone@gmail.com
Note: for RFlink source code see below

Unsupported devices:

Windows & RFLink Loader:
Connect RFLink to a Windows PC and start the RFlink loader software
RFLink Loader
Step 1: select the correct USB/Serial port
Step 2: press the [Serial Port Logging] button
Step 3: press the [Log Mode: Debug] button

Connect RFlink to your Linux system
Run a terminal program like minicom or any software with similar functionality
Connect to the USB port with the following settings: 57600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Make sure CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) is appended when you send commands
Send the following command: 10;rfdebug=on;
You should see a response that looks like this: 20;03;RFDEBUG=ON; with which RFlink confirms the debug mode

press a button on your unsupported remote control or wait for similar data to appear in intervals like shown at 4 in the above image
Email the collected data with details about your device to frankzirrone@gmail.com

Alternative software:

Alternatively you can run any terminal program (like Realterm, Termite or minicom) to connect to RFlink and log the RFLink output.
Connect to the USB port with the following settings: 57600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
Make sure CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) is appended when you send commands
Send the following command:
You should see a response that looks like this: 20;03;RFDEBUG=ON; with which RFlink confirms the debug mode

This above command will, besides the regular output also show the undecoded RF data packets.
Like for example:

If your device has any buttons, press each button and copy the debug data into an email including a note about what button was pressed (if any) for every debug packet (or every block of packets when a button press results in multiple packets).
After logging all buttons, repeat the process for at least the most important buttons (on/off) to get a second capture. Do not worry if you do not know what packet is the right one, just make a log for a few minutes and send an e-mail with the collected data with details about your device to frankzirrone@gmail.com

Note that for unsupported sensors, like a temperature sensor, it is helpful to know the actual temperature displayed on the device during the log. Logging multiple temperatures is helpful as well.

Note regarding incorrectly supported devices:

Make a log as explained above, copy the debug data to an e-mail and explain why the data would be incorrect or what you expected to see/happen.
We will then get back to you as soon as possible!

Note regarding code development / Source Code:

If you have any suggestions/additions/improvements then let us know!
If you want to create your own plugins, you can contact us.

Note regarding integrating support for RFLink in Home Automation controller systems:

If you want to add support for RFLink to any existing Home Automation controller software then let us know and we will do our best to support you!

Support the project:

The RFLink Firmware development is a freeware project. This means you should not pay for the firmware.
We are not linked to any shops and do not have unlimited resources to buy sensors and devices.
You can support the project by sending in debug data for new sensors, send hardware or
make a donation so we can buy sensors you would like to see supported.